Outbound Calling: 10 Tips to Improve your Outbound Strategy

Outbound calling, also known as cold calling, can significantly contribute to boosting your sales, reaching your potential customers, and retaining your existing customer base. 
Sounds good? Keep on reading! 


What is Outbound Calling?

Outbound calling is the process of contacting potential or current customers through phone or other communication methods to promote a product or service. Outbound calls are used to generate leads, increase sales, and improve customer relationships.

Moreover, it can also help businesses identify and qualify potential customers, build brand awareness, and increase market share.

Several factors contribute to the success of an outbound calling campaign. To improve your outbound strategy, here are 10 tips to keep in mind:


1. Set Realistic Goals

It's important to set realistic goals for your campaign and track your progress accordingly. This will help you to stay on track and ensure that you're making the most out of your efforts.

Before you can expect anyone to listen to what you're selling, you first need to be able to clearly define your company's value proposition (i.e., what makes YOU unique!).

If it takes more than a sentence to explain why people should buy from you over someone else, then the chances are that they won't be interested in what you have to offer (or will feel confused).


2. Define your Target Audience

Once you know your goals, you need to determine who your target audience is and who are you trying to reach.

Defining your target audience is very important for any business. If you don't know who to market your product or service to, then it's impossible to sell anything. You've probably heard this phrase before: "It's not what you're selling that matters; it's who you're selling it to."

By taking the time to get into the mind of your customer, you can figure out how best to communicate with them while avoiding any mistakes made by your competitors.

Once you have a specific target in mind, it will be easier to tailor your marketing specifically for them.

Determining your target market will also help you to focus your efforts and create a more effective outreach strategy.


3. Research your Competition

Another important step is to research your competition. Knowing what they're doing and how they're performing can give you insights on how to differentiate yourself and outperform them.

To stay ahead of the competition, it's important to research

  • What they're doing?
  • What products or services are they offering?
  • How are they promoting them?
  • What's their pricing structure?
  • What are they doing well, and what could use some improvement?

You may use different tools for competitor research such as;

  1. Mention: helps you collect insights for a better marketing plan
  2. Buzzsumo: gives you a closer look at your competitor's marketing strategy
  3. Similarweb: gives a complete picture of competitor website traffic and overall data
  4. Alexa: the tool helps you compare and analyze your company


4. Create a Persuasive Message

According to James Woodburn,

                           “We all know people buy things for emotional reasons… not logical ones.”

Therefore, it’s important to make a strong emotional connection with your audience and create a sense of urgency. Your message should be clear, concise, and relevant to your target audience.


5. Use the Right Tools

In order to make the most of your outbound calling campaign, you need the RIGHT tools. This includes a quality phone system, call tracking software, lead management software, etc.

Are there any special tools or equipment that can help?

Below are a few tools/software for outbound call tracking:


6. Warm up your Leads

Before you start making calls, you need to warm up your leads. This means providing them with relevant information and building a relationship with them.

Do prepare for objections before making a call.

Before reaching out, take some time to prepare for common objections that may occur during the conversation (i.e., "I'm not interested," "We're happy with our current supplier," etc.). This way, you'll be able to address them quickly and efficiently without losing the momentum of the call.


7. Create an Outbound Calling Script

"Organizing what you’ll say in advance of the conversation allows you to fine-tune and economize the precise combination of words that will give you the result you’re looking for. The key to sounding smooth is in writing it in a conversational tone and then delivering it naturally. And just like an actor, that requires studying and practicing it." - Art Sobczak

You need to make the most out of your time! This means using a call script that's well-organized and efficient.

Outbound scripts should include several key elements: your company's name, who you are trying to reach (name, title, department), the reason for the call, and how they will benefit from speaking with you.

Once an outbound script has been created, it needs to be tested thoroughly before being used. 


8. Use Positive Reinforcement

When reaching out to potential customers, it's important to use positive reinforcement.

How to use positive reinforcement in outbound calling?

You can start by using certain words that people are more likely to react positively to.

For example, "Thank you" generates positive emotions in most people, so it's a good idea to start your outbound calls this way. It helps establish trust and makes the customer receptive.

You can also use phrases like "I'm glad we caught you at a good time" to make them feel like they're important.

Positive reinforcement in outbound calling comes with lots of benefits. It smoothens the process and builds great customer relationships.


9. Follow-up with Leads

Once you've made a sale, it's important to follow up with your leads. We recommend creating a follow-up schedule in order to remain consistent with your communications.