Promo Gen Marketing & Sales

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Knowledge to Power Up your Business

A Simple Guide to a Successful Inbound Strategy
Inbound strategy is a marketing technique that focuses on drawing customers in by creating helpful content and attracting them through organic search engine optimization techniques. It is all about p..
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8 Data Validation Strategies to Enhance your Data Quality
Data is everywhere. It can be found in the smallest of things and largest of objects around us! We see it, touch it, and experience it daily without even noticing it's there. The data with which ..
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Rank your Website at the Top: 11 Tools that will help!
Optimizing your Website for search engines can be difficult, especially if you're new to the game. Fortunately, locating the best SEO tools is straightforward; on this page, we've compiled a com..
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7 Tips & Tools for Social Media Management
Has your business set up a social media channel but aren't quite sure how to use it? Well, first things first. Get organized - it starts with a planner! It's important not to let social media ov..
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Best Days and Time to Post on Social Media platforms
You've spent hours (or months) researching, brainstorming, creating, editing, and polishing this new post (or campaign), and it's finally time to share it with the world. But When is the optimal..
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Sales: A Solo activity or a Team Sport
Success DOES appreciate company, which is why we believe that sales is a team sport! By now, it's fairly well established that a lone wolf sales representative does not work as eff..
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What is Marketing Analytics? And How can it Help you Grow?
Ever wonder how to hit the nail on the head to make your business more successful? Well, marketing analytics is the answer! According to a recent survey, expenditure on marketing analytics i..
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Crypto Effect on Digital Marketing
With everything that has happened in the economy in recent years, alternative currencies have become a hot topic. The concept of money is undergoing revolutionary changes, and cryptocurrencies such a..
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Outbound Calling: 10 Tips to Improve your Outbound Strategy
Outbound calling, also known as cold calling, can significantly contribute to boosting your sales, reaching your potential customers, and retaining your existing customer base.  Sounds good? Keep ..
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Email Marketing is Alive!
Email marketing is attracting potential customers more than ever before. The reason is that approx. 90% of people check their emails daily. Marketers find email marketing still effective and can make..
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Basics of Pay-Per-Click Marketing
Pay-per-click (PPC) is an internet marketing model in which advertisers are charged a fee each time one of their advertisements is clicked. In essence, it is a method of purchasing visits to your web..
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In today's fast-paced world, consumers are constantly looking to purchase new products and try out new services. To gain customers, companies have to ensure their marketing strategies are robust ..
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Customer Success: What it Means, Why it Matters & Why do you Need it?
Most businesses today focus on acquiring new customers. However, retaining your current customers is just as important - and can be even more profitable. It costs five times more to attract a new cus..
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Demand Generation vs. Lead Generation -What do you need to know about it?
With the advancement in technology, marketing has become more efficient. These days companies are using both demand generation and lead generation to boost their business. Let us take a look at what ..
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How did the Corona Virus Pandemic Impact the Digital World?
The impact of the current pandemic on the digital world, as well as business, is vast and manifold. A sudden outburst of Corona Virus has taken everything in its swirl. Most of the activities of the ..
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HTML vs. WordPress: Which one is Better?
Websites are the need of the hour for businesses and organizations. However, before you create a website, you need to choose the right platform on which to build it. When it comes to creating a ..
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Is TikTok the Right Platform for your Business?
Are you looking to expand your business into the trending social media platform, TikTok? Social media is a great platform for businesses that need to engage more of their local audience and create br..
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Lead Generation Process for Starters
Are you a new business owner or know someone who is and needs some help getting started? If 'yes', then this guide 'Lead Generation for Starters, is just what you need! Lead Generation &a..
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Search Engine Optimization & Content Marketing: Combining them Effectively
SEO and content marketing go hand in hand when it comes to developing an effective online marketing strategy. Here we will discuss how to combine these two techniques for the best results. What is SE..
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7 Types of Account-Based Intelligence that PromoGen offers
The term 'Account-based intelligence' was coined to describe any information or data that could be used to investigate or influence a specific account. Ever wonder how account-based inte..
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Web Hosting and Domain Registration, How it Works and Differ?
What is a Domain? The domain name is the URL of your website that visitors enter in the URL bar of their browser to access it. In other words, if your website were a physical structure, your d..
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